The Dogs of Sherburne : A Great American Dog NOvel by author Tom Mody

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Meet the Dogs of Sherburne
dog Dallasdog Sugardog Scooter
dog Laddiedog Scampdog Sam
dog Hobiedog Generaldog Brandi
dogs Tuffy & Mitsy

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Author Contact:
Tom Mody
Mody Company Creative
607-336-6233 ph | 607-336-6232 fx
56 West Main, Norwich NY 13815


Author Notes | Chapter Excerpts | Fact or Fiction | Paw Prints


Did Dallas jump through a screen door to attack General?

He did jump through the screen as described after a dog and I'm pretty sure it was General . No fight ensued however as we broke it up.

Did the dogs really converge to take on General?

No, all fiction. No dog food truck. No rear end collision. No romp through the game farm. It was a nice climax to the plot of their freedom.


Then obviously Dallas wasn't shot!

Incorrect! Everything that happened from the point of me letting Dallas in the house through taking him to the vet was true. At the time it wasn't determined what sliced him open down his torso but years later an x-ray revealed a slug still inside him. He was shot.


Was General's abusive back story true?

Fiction- for all I know he spent his youth cuddling with cats.


Authors Notes:

I have to admit, I never gave my dad his change back so subsuquently when I went on an ice cream run you can be sure Dallas didn't get any.

Is it just me or are kids less likely to go inner tubing on the river. Water hole swimming was a blast.




Authors Notes:

This chapter was mostly commentary so I'll just clear up some stuff.

Mark was the kind of guy that just showed up places- including an incident of me bumping into him at a convenient mart in Los Angeles which was 3000 miles from his last known location. When ever I heard that thumping outside I'd grab some shorts and run out to play hoops with him.

In Dallas' old age he often would get stuck trying to leap that iron fence. It was quite funny.

Scooter was killed in a pile of leaves but it was only presumed a school bus got him.

Scamp, Sam, Sugar and Dallas all died as described. General was also put to sleep.

I'd like to believe the story of Dallas consoling my father was true but it's all touching fiction.

And let it be known, I never humped anyone in honor of Dallas.